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If you require further information regarding the Local Authority admission procedure, please click on the following link
If you require further information regarding the Local Authority appeals process, please click on the following link:
Year 6–7
Our links with Secondary schools are established early, often in the Spring Term. Year 6 teachers communicate in detail with all secondary schools to provide as much information as possible about our children ahead of their transition to secondary school. This includes attainment levels for reading, writing, maths and science as well as information about their learning styles and hobbies etc. Tutors, ELSAs and other secondary staff often visit pupils at Hollybrook ahead of any transition days or early visits.
This year we are working on a Literacy transition project with Upper Shirley High. Our Year 6 children are being provided with a book which they will study during the second part of the Summer Term. They will then base their writing on it at the beginning of Year 7. All children will study the book regardless of the secondary school that they are going to.
There are often many open or taster days/evenings for these secondary schools which we encourage pupils to attend or participate in after the SATs tests in May.
Hamwic Education Trust are now consulting on the admissions policy for Hollybrook Infant and Junior Schools. The consultation closes on 31st January 2022. If you would like to comment on the proposed policy, please email your comments to the Trust's Admissions Consultant, Mrs Jo Glenton at the following email address: